Author page: West Plano Pediatrics

Camp Forms

Camp Forms

Spring has sprung and soon this school year will be just a memory. In preparation for the summer please allow 72 hours for our office to complete summer camp and sports camp forms if your child has had an annual physical within the past year.…

Flu Clinic 2017

All of the staff at West Plano Pediatrics have received their flu shots. Have you scheduled an appointment for your child’s flu shot? Flu clinic dates and times are listed below: Saturday, October 7: 9am – 12pm Tuesday, October 10: 4:30 – 5:30pm Wednesday, October…

Epi Pen Recall

In the United States, a recall applies to 13 lots of both EpiPen and EpiPen Jr. auto-injectors distributed between December 17, 2015, and July 1, 2016. Patients can receive another EpiPen or an authorized generic version at their pharmacy, Mylan said. In the meantime, they…


Dear Patients: Your families’ welfare is the most important thing to us. We understand the issues you are having with individual insurance. While we don’t plan to take Medicaid or Obamacare, our office is working as hard as we can to be able to take as…

Flu / Holiday Closings

Our Holiday closing is as follows: Thursday, Nov. 26th, Friday, Dec. 25th, Friday, Jan. 1st. We will be OPEN on the Wed/Thurs before the holiday, and the Fri/Sat after the holiday! Flu vaccines are still available at our office. Schedule an appointment with the nurse soon! We have had…