We are having trouble with the phones. If you need to get in touch with the on call pediatrician, please call Windhaven Pediatrics at (972) 403-5437. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Saturday, October 7 9:00 till noon. Tuesday, October 10 4:30-5:30. Wednesday, October 18 4:30-5:30. Thursday, October 26 4:30-5:30. Saturday, November 4 9:00 till noon.
In the United States, a recall applies to 13 lots of both EpiPen and EpiPen Jr. auto-injectors distributed between December 17, 2015, and July 1, 2016. Patients can receive another EpiPen or an authorized generic version at their pharmacy, Mylan said. In the meantime, they…
Click here to watch Dr. Mix on TV regarding the rising costs of Epipens

Dr. Berger and Dr. Mix were selected as Best Pediatricians by D Magazine for 2016! Congratulations!
Tues. 9/27 4:30 -5:30 Sat. 10/1 9 – 12 Wed. 10/5 4:30 – 5:30 Mon. 10/10 8:30 – 5:30 Sat. 10/15 9 – 12 Wed. 10/19 4:30…
We are pleased to announce that our office is a preferred provider for Baylor, Scott & White Health Plan, which provides coverage for employees of Plano ISD and Home Depot. Schedule now for your summer sports physical before school starts up in August…we look forward…
Dear Patients: Your families’ welfare is the most important thing to us. We understand the issues you are having with individual insurance. While we don’t plan to take Medicaid or Obamacare, our office is working as hard as we can to be able to take as…
Our Holiday closing is as follows: Thursday, Nov. 26th, Friday, Dec. 25th, Friday, Jan. 1st. We will be OPEN on the Wed/Thurs before the holiday, and the Fri/Sat after the holiday! Flu vaccines are still available at our office. Schedule an appointment with the nurse soon! We have had…

Sat. Oct. 17 9-12pm, Tues. Oct 20 4:30-5:30pm, Wed. Oct. 28 4:30-5:30pm, Thurs. Nov. 5 4:30-5:30pm, Sat. Nov. 14 9-12pm. Flu season is almost here. Please call 972-608-0774 to make an appointment.

D magazine just announced the 2015 best pediatricians in Dallas. We are pleased to share that Dr. Gair, Dr. Mix and Dr. Berger are all on the list!
What an amazing day! Thanks for coming to celebrate with us! Were you there? Check out our Facebook page to see if your picture is up!
Reminder: WPP 20th Birthday Party is 9-12pm on Saturday, August 29th at Arbor Hills Nature Preserve. All families are welcome. There will be a firetruck, face painters, and lots of games. Please RSVP with WPP at 972-608-0774 or on Facebook.

We are celebrating 20 years in practice! We will be having a party to celebrate, so stay tuned for more information.